How to get here
Belvedere Farmhouse
Via Onofrio di Paolo
38 – Castelfiorentino (FIRENZE)
Latitude and Longitude Coordinates: 43.658180, 10.959166
Don’t use normal sat navs as they don’t take you to the house, please use Google Maps
By Air
The closest major airports are Pisa (preferred by guests) or Florence.
By Train
The closest train station is Empoli, which is 10 min drive to Belvedere Farmhouse. Its well served with regular trains from Florence or Pisa stations.
Driving from Pisa or Florence
The easiest way to get to Belvedere is to drive on the Pisa – Florence dual carriage way (signposted blue as “FI-PI-LI SGC”). Regardless if you are arriving from Florence or Pisa airport, this is the fastest road.
Head towards Empoli which is about 30-40 min from either of the two cities. You’ll need to exit at Empoli Centro.
Once there, follow the instructions below; it is 8km and about 10-20 min drive to Belvedere from this point.
Step-by-step instructions from Empoli Centro:
Exit at ‘Empoli Centro’ - please note that if you are coming from Florence, there is one exit first (Empoli Est) and if you are coming from Pisa there is one exit (Empoli Ovest) before the right one, but please do not get out at these.
At the roundabout take the exit onto Strada Regionale 429 di Val d’Elsa/SR429 direction SIENA / Castelfiorentino.
Continue on SR429 and at the following roundabout take the 2nd exit and carry on, direction Castelfiorentino.
At the following roundabout exit the new road and get onto the old one direction Castelfiorentino. At this point you’ll need to drive straight on towards Fontanella.
You will go through Molin Nuovo.
As you approach the next town, Fontanella / Sant’Andrea, there is a first traffic light - go straight through this (it has a tendency to stay red for a long time).
Go straight at the second traffic light.
You’ll reach another set of houses/town after 3-400 meters and another traffic light. At this light, turn left: direction Monterappoli (blue signpost). You are on the right track if it’s a steep road with a church in front of you after 3-400m meters.
At the church, turn right.
At the T junction, turn left and follow the windy road for 7-800 meters (1-2 min).
You’ll get to a turn bearing left with a semi-dirt road on the right (it has a white signpost ‘Az. Agricola PUGLIANO’). Take the semi-dirt road on the right.
Follow the road for 7-800 meters. You’ll see a large house on the right, and the road continues on a sharp left. Continue following the road.
After a couple hundred meters, you’ll see the road veering to the left with an entrance on the right (two cypress trees & a US mail box with the Belvedere logo on it). Take this entrance which will take you to Belvedere’s gates - you have arrived!
From Empoli Centro to the house should not take more than 20 minutes.